Friday, January 23, 2009

Chord Progression

In the beginning, there was a silence. A deafening, absolute silence. No size or shape or form or time, no taste or touch or smell or color. It was all there was, just a big silence. A silence that had somehow wandered in to existence, didn't have a purpose in life. It wasn't even filling a gap—it just was. It couldn't understand why it was just sitting here. It floated, empty, in nothingness. It had no purpose. It had nothing to do. It wondered why it existed. Eons passed, or perhaps a mere second. And then it realized.

Music always comes from silence.

And so it spun, reached inside itself and tore itself apart. Music poured out, every size and shape and kind imaginable. Every color, every taste, touch, and smell, poured in to existence, as the music soared out into the vast emptiness, cheering and laughing and dancing and crying, dazzling and delicious, aromatic and gliding. The music leaped and twirled and swept and bounded, screaming out in pure delight at its simple existence. It danced with the silence until the silence was gone, and then it danced with itself. Sounds and colors and touches mingled, smells and tastes blended, as the music danced closer and closer. It began to weave itself, bending and stretching and melding together, becoming a web of music, forming into a single great Chord.

And as the music wove itself together, it became more and more tightly knit. Music spoke to music, different kinds mixing and mingling, each growing and adapting as it met other kinds. They grew more complex, developing from simple sounds to of discreet pitches, to major and minor intervals, to scales and arpeggios and harmonies. As scales mixed and mingled, one set split off to become chromatic. Another chose to be Phrygian, or pentatonic, or whole tones. Diatonic scales were the strongest, however, as they were the first to join into Counterpoint. But the music kept evolving, beyond Counterpoint, through vocals and instrumentation and constantly weaving more lines together, going from quartets to quintets, to sextets, to octets, orchestras, symphonies—

And out of the ordered chaos of music came something new. The highest form of music, evolved beyond imagination. It saw and felt and tasted and smelled and, most of all, heard music. It lived within music. It ate and slept and breathed it. It was music, yet it was beyond. It thought. It spoke, it created its own music from nowhere, and shaped the sounds to its desire. A god had been born.

And it was human.

The human race continued to develop. Able to utilize both perspectives, first creating fire from song, then flint. Composing a style of music with which to communicate, with which to order the world. Creating sustenance from sweat and song, and developing into civilizations, cultures, centered around their own styles of music. Some tribes tried to remain independent, living as they always had, while others joined those who shared their passion. Music and technology flourished side by side, each assisting and explaining the other as humankind grew to new heights. Entire nations literally skyrocketed, ripping themselves out of the ground to float in the air and allowing natural growth to flourish down below. The human body was perfected. The discovery of sound cancellation allowed for music to be contained, freeing any and all musicians to play whatever they desired. A government was established and left alone, working quietly and effectively to ensure the maximum possible happiness for the most amount of people.

And so the progression of Chord continues to this very day.

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